Many of you are wondering where we are now... Some of you may have received our final MAF prayer letter, but if not, PLEASE read below.
God will let you laugh again; you'll raise the roof with shouts of joy... Job 8:21
New Direction:
Our news is unexpected and seemingly sudden, so let us explain. For some time now, we have felt God giving us new direction as a family. Ever since we started our journey with Jesus years ago, we have longed to share with others God’s grace-filled story in our lives. We know with certainty that God brought us to Indonesia for a purpose. We have cherished serving the people of Indonesia and sharing the truth about Jesus Christ and His love. But, over the last year, we have felt a strong pull towards returning to America. A pull to better serve and connect with people so that we can clearly communicate God’s heart through our experience. And we know, after much prayer and much wise counsel, our calling has changed.
There are several reasons for our return, the first and foremost that has brought urgency to our departure is some issues with Gracie Jane. The issues are mostly spiritual in nature. She has had intense nightmares that have become her “reality” that need the input and prayers of a wise Christian counselor. We will be returning to Michigan to live with family to restore Gracie Jane. Secondly, God has clearly given us new direction as a family, despite not knowing exactly what that will entail. But, we feel the same urgency as Joseph had when he “got up in the middle of the night and went to Egypt” (Matt. 2:14) because the angel warned him of Herod’s plans. In the same way, we feel God leading us to go. Now. Additionally, as Hebrews 11 says, we know that we need to step out confidently in faith for the health of our family. We know and have peace that in God’s perfect timing He will place us where we need to be long-term.
God clearly led us to Indonesia to serve for a season, but that season is over and God is starting a new and beautiful chapter in the lives of our family. We are thankful for our time with MAF and see the crucial role they play in Indonesia. Please continue to support our journey in prayer as our time comes to a close with MAF in June 2015. We would encourage you to continue support what God is doing in Indonesia through MAF. Two couples we recommend supporting are Matt and Jacinda Basinger ( or Kevin and Beth Lynne (! Please call MAF with further question about supporting these families (800.359.7623). If you have any questions, please email us (
Thank you for walking with us through the beautiful and difficult moments in life. We are thankful for God’s grace in our lives and look forward to sharing more of our journey with others as the years continue.
Here are a few pictures of our last days in Indonesia. We have more pictures to come (but they have yet to be uploaded as we have been taking these days to relax as a family).
Enjoy a few moments in our lives and thank you for following our journey.
Gracie and her BFF Ellie Bellie |
Gracie and her other BFFs - Ellie and Lily |
This little man loves the dirt and rain... |
Flying with daddy |
One of Gracie's favorite Uncles - Uncle Gasko |
Looks can be deceiving :) |
Interior stop |
Charcoal - A missionary necessity |
Bennett's favorite word as of 11 months old - "JET" |
Hanging with Uncle Kev |
The Wamena Crew |
The Maintenance Crew |
Wamena Hangar
We are excited for the new beginnings and direction that God is giving us as a family! Please contact us with any questions.
Love from Michigan,
Will, Nan, Gracie and Bennett
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