Gracie's first Christmas |
Kodiak family pic |
Well, we arrived back home in Vancouver from MAF just in time for Christmas. We were able to enjoy time with family and friends, most of which had not even met our baby girl yet. She is becoming more and more human by the day as you can see above in her Santa outfit.
Caravan Prop Hub |
Installing blade #1 |
All done |
While at MAF I (Will) got trained up on how to maintain airplanes to the MAF standard which keeps them flying safely over the rugged jungles of Indonesia. One of the airplanes in the fleet is a Cessna Caravan, which is pictured below. One of my training projects was to take apart a Caravan propeller and then put it back together. It is a big prop that gets 675 shaft horsepower delivered to it which is able to pull several tons of weight through the air. At the hangar there were a couple of these planes, so I took a picture so you have an idea of what they look like on the plane itself.
Prop on Caravan |
While I am talking Caravans as I write this I am sitting on a plane headed for Wichita, KS where I will get more detailed training from Cessna on the Caravan. This is a momentous occasion marking Gracie’s first airplane ride. So far she is doing great which is what we are hoping for when we take the “short trip” to the other side of the planet.
Dad's hangar help |
Gracie on the steps of Kodiak #58 |
These pictures were taken with one of the Kodiak aircraft that was in the hangar getting about 50 modifications (“Jungle Ready” as we call it) before heading to Papua, Indonesia. Gracie will grow up around it so I thought it only appropriate to start taking pictures now. It was pretty crazy to think about all the different things that plane will see as it serves the people of Indonesia.
Thank you so much everyone for all of your prayers and support! We would not be able to get the training I need without your help so thank you. Our financial support currently is at 82% monthly which means we only have $1100/month to go and 60 days before our Indonesian visas expire. Please pray that our last partners would be provided in time. Also, please pray for all the family and friends we are leaving behind in the U.S.