This is what Nan looks like at 17 weeks! Baby Grant is finally kicking! And just two and a half weeks until we find out if we are having a boy or girl.
Ok for a non baby update.
We are currently nomads, homeless and on the road for the next four months.
It has been so great to catch up with old friends, family and meet new friends as we have finally settled into this new season of life. The sunshine has also been a huge blessing. Why? Well, after a crazy week of selling our stuff and packing our lives up we were a little stressed at times. So when we finally crossed the California border there was sunshine and my beautiful bride came back to life.
There were several interesting events that happened in the Bay area, but the one I still cannot believe is the house I spent the first couple years of my life in was just on the opposite side of the neighborhood pool from a college friend's house. So that was exciting. The only memory I have at that age was walking across the hot street with no shoes on my soft baby feet headed to the pool. Ouch!
In front of the Winchester House |
While we were in San Jose my Aunt Lucinda took us to the Winchester House which was extremely interesting. You can google the story, but basically Mrs. Winchester had her house under construction for about 40 years 24/7. It was pretty sad to see what someone can do when they do not believe in Christ.
Just excited about guns...nothing unusual. |
The Lord has blessed us greatly thus far with great conversations, lodging, and opportunities to share what Christ has done in our lives. We look forward to many more opportunities to share our lives with people. Your continued prayers for us as we travel, work as a team, and prepare to be parents are greatly appreciated.
Look for a prayer letter by the end of this month.