The other day was a refreshing moment in time for our little, now growing family... My husband surprised me one Saturday morning and informed me to dress warm and that we were going on an adventure. Which, if you are familiar with Portland, Oregon, that means dress for the rain! I peeked out the window last Saturday morning excited for the surprise date, but saddened by the prospect of the rainy skies that met me at our doorstep.

However, my excitement for the unknown and for a fabulous time with Will trumped the weather. We jumped in the car, excited for a adventurous day together. My spirits quickly lifted as Will started to drive towards the beach (a 1 hour drive from our home). I begged to know where we were going and he simply gave one clue - it is a place with a LARGE rock! If you live anywhere near the Oregon coast, you know the LARGE rock is Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach. This is one of my favorite get-a-way spots! He preceded to tell me we were going to spend the afternoon on the beach... As we drove closer and closer the rain came down even more rapidly and then blue skies broke through the clouds and yes, even SUNSHINE! We ended up spending a blissful day recharging our batteries together on beautiful Cannon Beach. It was a day of walking on the beach, laughing, enjoying Apple fritters (Baby Grant LOVES them), sunshine and each other.
Our time at Cannon Beach was another simple reminder of God's faithfulness to us as HE provided a window of time to be renewed together. We found this incredible pattern that the water had formed in the sand.... it reminded me a bit of how God refreshes us and remolds us. HE takes us from dry, gritting moments in life and places us on the path HE has designed. We must simply choose to stop and be still before our God...
"You sent abundant rain, O God, to refresh the weary land." - Psalm 68:9